Visa News
January 31, 2023

Visas processing delays

Backlogs have impacted large numbers of people, including families reuniting, visitors, workers starting new jobs, and international students studying in 2023.
Visas processing delays

Immigration NZ has a backlog across most visa categories. This has impacted large numbers of people including families reuniting, visitors, workers starting new jobs, international students starting studies in 2023 and visa extensions for those already in NZ.

There are some key considerations when planning a visa application.


·       Apply early. Lodging the visa application is a priority – not last on the to do list.

·       Fully documented applications are decided quickly.

·       Immigration medicals can add weeks/or months to processing times. Book early to get the medical completed and if there are known health issues talk to an adviser.

·       Don’t take shortcuts and do make full disclosure in the application. Wishing a problem will go away never works – take advice before you apply.

·       Book flights after the visa has been approved to avoid the cost of changing or cancelling flights. A flight booking will not make the visa application get processed any quicker.

·       Check the visa requirements of any country you transit through (even if the plane touches down but do not disembark) on the way to NZ. You’d be amazed how many people get stopped thinking a NZ visa will help them clear the border of another country. It won’t!

Most visa applications are lodged online. The process can seem confusing for some and simple for others. Getting a visa today is just as complex if not more so than it was 30 years ago. To avoid stress, increased costs, failure and delays contact a trusted licensed immigration adviser at Malcolm Pacific Immigration today.

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We are New Zealand’s largest and most experienced team of licensed immigration advisers. Our experts take away the stress and worry of navigating the complicated world of immigration. All you need to do is get in touch. Our team is on standby, ready to help.