Fast track entry to NZ for Skilled Workers

A limited window to enter NZ for skilled workers with job offers is about to open. This will fast track border exemptions to help workers get on the ground and into jobs fast.
This limited opportunity opens on 13 March and runs until July 2022. Employers will be able to secure “skilled workers” from overseas without advertising the job or proving there are no kiwis available to fill the job or that the business is an accredited employer.
A “skilled worker” is when:
- A job offer is paying 1.5 times the median wage (i.e. $84,240 a year OR $40.50 an hour) and;
- The job is for longer than 6 months and at least 30 hours a week; and
- The migrant worker can prove they have experience/qualifications to do the job.
People will be allowed to bring family with them. This will be a key consideration to anyone recruited from offshore after seeing how many families were kept apart when our border closed in 2020.
If you are in discussion with an employer regarding a New Zealand job offer or applying for jobs consider sharing this article with your potential employer. It might just help move things along before this window closes in July.
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