December 19, 2018

Visa policy set to change

The NZ Government is making it clear that employing a migrant is a privilege, not a right. It is putting the responsibility onto employers to be compliant.
Visa policy set to change
Work Visa policy set to change

The NZ Government is making it clear that employing a migrant is a privilege, not a right. It is putting the responsibility onto employers to be compliant with the rules around employment and each migrants’ visa status.

The solution right now for employers is to seek Accreditation from Immigration New Zealand so that potential employees’ work visas can be fast tracked.

If you are employing where salaries or wages start at $55,000 a year, Accreditation could be a worthwhile investment.

If you want to find out how to become accredited talk to our Business Development Manager Lukas Sousa here at Malcolm Pacific Immigration. You can reach Lukas by email lukas@malcolmpacific.com or by calling the office +64 9 309 4187, or mobile +64 022 689 5500.

Meantime the government has announced a review of work visa settings. If implemented Accreditation for all employers who recruit temporary migrant workers (regardless of pay rates) will become mandatory, pressure to increase wages and an emphasis on training locals are key features of the proposed changes. More news on that in 2019 but getting accredited now could save a lot of time, cost and hassle later.

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