February 26, 2021

Want hassle free visas for your workers?

The window to become an accredited employer and get migrant workers earning more than $79,560 per annum onto a pathway for residence is fast closing.
Want hassle free visas for your workers?
Want hassle free work visas for your workers?

The window to become an accredited employer and get migrant workers earning more than $79,560 per annum onto a pathway for residence is fast closing.

The government signalled back in 2019 accreditation will become mandatory in mid-2021. What many have not realised is that the pathway to residence for migrant employees working for an accredited employer will close if they are not already on a work to residence visa.

If you have migrant workers and want to keep them permanently now is the time to move forward with accreditation. An application takes around 4 months to be processed plus the lead in time to get documentation prepared. Not much time left assuming the roll out of mandatory accreditation happens mid year.

To discuss and learn more about employer accreditation, contact Lukas Sousa on lukas@malcolmpacific.com

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