March 1, 2019

Tips for Employers

Make sure you are paying your migrant employees market rates. The Government promised action to make sure you do and the Labour inspectorate is following it.
Tips for Employers
Tips for Employers
  1. Make sure you are paying your migrant employees market rates. The Government promised action to make sure you do and the Labour inspectorate is following through on the promise. If you are not sure of going rates, search careers.govt.nz here or go to Trade Me here for an idea. Remember wages may increase by the time you employ so keep checking.You don’t want to be on Employment NZs name and shame list, and barred from hiring migrant workers, or to have to pay hefty fines.
  2. Employers will be asked by overseas workers to fill to complete an Employer Supplementary Form (INZ1113) as part of the work visa application. It is vital you fill it in properly – or get help to do so. Section C asks hard questions about your search for NZers first to fill the role. Leave no question unanswered otherwise the work visa application will be delayed.
  3. If you are a small business (and 97% of New Zealand businesses are) you may be asked by Immigration NZ for your financial and tax records if you say you want to employ migrant workers. Be prepared to hand those documents over.

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