January 31, 2023

Tips for employers

If you are recruiting migrant workers from overseas or want to retain the ones you have here are some useful tips.
Tips for employers

If you are recruiting migrant workers from overseas or want to retain the ones you already have here are some useful tips.


·      Talk to your current workforce about your talent shortage and consider offering referral incentives. You’d be surprised how many will know skilled people from overseas wanting to move to NZ.

·      Factor in visa processing delays. Don’t book flights until visas have been issued.

·      Migrant workers new to New Zealand have better outcomes when supported to settle in. A workplace buddy will help new workers fit into your workplace but going the extra mile to help them settle in NZ will help build loyalty.

·      Any one flying to NZ with transit stops enroute should check the visa requirements of each country the plane lands in. You’d be amazed at how many people run into problems thinking the NZ visa was enough to get through another country’s border – it’s not!

·      Migrants want pathways to residence. Leaving a settled life overseas to come to NZ involves huge risk for families. Malcolm Pacific Immigration provide free residence assessments to help build confidence during the recruitment process.

·      Immigration medicals often turn up unexpected health issues. This may add anything from 2 weeks to 2 months to visa processing timeframes. Talk to one of our advisers if you are aware of health (or character) issues of your migrant workers (or their family) before its too late.


Our team of employer specialists have international connections with a wide range of specialist recruiters. If you are looking for skilled workers talk to our team today for an introduction.

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