March 7, 2022

Recruiting skills from offshore? Get in fast!

A limited window for employers is about to open. This will help your business secure “skilled workers” from overseas without having to pass the LMT.
Recruiting skills from offshore? Get in fast!
Recruiting skills from offshore? Get in fast!

A limited window for employers is about to open. This will help your business secure “skilled workers” from overseas without having to pass the labour market test (prove no kiwis available to fill the job). Employers often say one of their biggest headaches is the requirement to advertise job vacancies knowing full well the skills their business needs are not locally available.

This opportunity opens on 13 March and runs until July 2022. You will be able to secure “skilled workers” from overseas without advertising or proving there are no kiwis available or that your business is accredited.

A “skilled worker” means:

  • A job paying 1.5 times the median wage (i.e. $84,240 a year OR $40.50 an hour) and;
  • The job is for longer than 6 months and at least 30 hours a week; and
  • The migrant worker can prove they have experience/qualifications to do the job.

People you recruit as “skilled workers” will be allowed to bring family with them. This will be a key consideration to anyone recruited from offshore after seeing how many families were kept apart when our border closed in 2020.

Employer accreditation applications open in May and become mandatory in July 2022. Getting ahead of all this paperwork and delay will add real value to your business if you are looking now to recruit skills from offshore.

Get in touch with our employer experts for more information:

Lukas Sousa email: lukas@malcolmpacific.com mobile: 022 689 5500

Rebecca Hassold email: rebecca@malcolmpacific.com mobile: 022 343 9675

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