December 19, 2018

Have you adjusted your wage bands?

If you are employing people who are in New Zealand holding Essential Skills work visas you should be aware that any new employee from November 26 must be paid.
Have you adjusted your wage bands?
Have you adjusted your wage bands?

If you are employing people who are in New Zealand holding Essential Skills work visas you should be aware that any new employee from November 26 must be paid salaries or wages that meet new thresholds when they reapply to renew visas.

Immigration New Zealand does an annual review to check the thresholds meet the New Zealand median salary range of $25 per hour, or $52,000 a year for a 40 hour-a-week job.

In the essential skills work visa category, the minimum hourly rate for lower skilled jobs is less than $21.25; mid skilled $21.25 to $37.49 and higher skilled at $37.50.

For your information, skilled migrant applicants on what is described as higher-level skilled professional jobs should be on a minimum of $25 an hour. It also means for lower skilled workers the minimums have gone up to $37.50 an hour or $50 an hour if bonus points are needed.

If you are not sure if you are compliant, contact Lukas Sousa by email lukas@malcolmpacific.com or by calling +64 9 309 4187, or mobile +64 022 689 5500.

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